ForceField® FireGuard® for Fabrics Ready to Use

Flame-retardant treatment easily and safely applied to water-safe fabrics, upholstery, and paper products.



Specifically engineered for water-safe surfaces, ForceField® FireGuard creates a flame-resistant barrier on surfaces in homes, businesses, boats, and automobiles. This non-toxic, environmentally friendly formula can be applied through immersion or through the spray application. 

ForceField® FireGuard can be easily applied to:

  • Drapes
  • Carpets
  • Upholstery
  • Clothing
  • Furniture
  • Rugs

The product meets the standards established by the National Fire Protection Association (Test NFPA 701). FireGuard’s ability to retard flames results from its organic ammonium salt formulation.

Formulated to Meet Test Standards

NFPA 701
CalFire 1237.1
CalFire Registration C-25401

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